Quotation and Sale Order
Step 1 :
First open Peachtree Accounting software and your company.
Step 2 : Now
click on “Task” and select “Quote/sale order;and then quotes as shown below.
window will appear:
Step 3 :
Enter Customer id, Date, good thru, quote No : and to whom the goods are
shipped to. After that enter Quantity, item, Description, Unit price, tax ,
amount and job.
Sale quotation is made
to give proposals to customer and people in order to purchase goods from the
Step 4 : Now
select “task” from the menu; then quotes / sales order and then select sales order.
Following window will open :
customer id, date, ship by, SO No, ship 2. After that enter Quantity, Shipped,
item, Description, Unit price, Tax,Amount and job.